Project Partner 2: ENEA
Italian National Agency for Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development
Name of the organization: Italian National Agency for Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development (ENEA)
Address: Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76 – 00196 Rome (Italy)
Main contact for 2B-BLUE: Roberta De Carolis
Website and other relevant links:

Description of the organization
ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development and it transfers research & technological developments to the production system, supports public bodies development & stakeholder’s networks creation. Its mission is to support Italy’s competitiveness and sustainable development through research and innovation technology activities. It carries out studies, multidisciplinary research, implementation, validation and application of innovative technologies and methodologies, technology transfer, scientific and technical support, dissemination and training, as well as design, realization, test, prototyping – even at pre-industrial stage. ENEA has long and successful experience in coordinating, delivering and developing collaborative and research projects and it has been collaborating with its skills in managing and organizing some of the main marine data European infrastructures.
Competences and involvement in 2B-BLUE
- ENEA co-leads WP3 ‘Set-up of the BBt innovation ecosystem in the Mediterranean’, role aligned with the ENEA experience reinforced in B-Blue, where 5 interactive Blue Biotechnology Hubs (BHHs) were already established, and 2B-Blue will leverage on;
- ENEA leads Activity 3.4. ‘Coordination and dialogue with thematic community and institutional dialogue projects’ leveraging on MedIA (Mediterranean Innovation Alliance for Sustainable BlueBioeconomy), where ENEA had a crucial role on, as well as the participation on the activities related to the demo sites and T-Labs, due to its long and track record experience on that;
- ENEA leads the activities related to carbon footprint monitoring, due to its long and track record experience in this field.
Team members
Roberta De Carolis, PhD, chemist
Researcher at ENEA since 2013, with focus on Circular Economy with particular regards to critical raw materials. She coordinates the Italian Phosphorous Platform, WG3 ‘Ecodesign’ of National Table of Critical Raw Materials. She has also long experience in evaluation of national projects for circular economy.
Cristian Chiavetta, PhD, environmental engineer
Researcher at ENEA since 2014, with a main focus on Circular Economy and Blue Economy sectors. He’s one of the two experts of National Hub of the Westmed Initiative promoted by CINEA and DG MARE.
Elisabetta Salvatori, PhD, ecologist
Researcher at ENEA since 2019, with focus on the use of Nature-Based solutions in urban and coastal areas. She is member of UNI – CT058/GL02 “Sustainability in urban ecosystems” and CEN – TC 465/WG 1 “Nature-Based Solutions”, and expert in OCSE – EPOC WP on Biodiversity, Water and Ecosystems.