Our story
2B-BLUE is a project that continues the work started under the Interreg MED project B-Blue. The B-Blue project started on September 1, 2020 and was completed on September 30, 2022.
The B-Blue project established a preliminary network of actors in the field of blue biotechnologies and analyzed best practices, key drivers, barriers and readiness factors of Euro-Med companies for the adoption of blue biotechnologies, identifying the most promising value chains for the Euro-Med area. The project enabled the establishment of five interactive Blue Biotechnology Hubs (BHHs) that facilitate collaboration, knowledge transfer and spillover effects to foster innovation and business within the marine biotechnology value chains and address the identified challenges. At the same time, a digital community has been developed using an ICT tool called B-Blue MatchMaking Tool to support new joint initiatives. In addition, the MedIA – Mediterranean Innovation Alliance for Sustainable BlueBioeconomy – was launched in collaboration with Blue Bio Med and two dedicated working groups on blue biotechnologies. 2B-BLUE aims to capitalize on the positive results of B-Blue
Thus, the main challenges identified in the B-Blue work – especially in terms of financing, standardization and public and private cooperation – can be turned into opportunities in 2B-BLUE, leading to more sustainable and efficient processes and a better structuring of the blue biotechnology sector in the Mediterranean.
Who we are
Lead Partner: University of Murcia (UMU)
Project Partner 3: National Institute of Biology (NIB)
Project Partner 5: Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR)
Project Partner 6: Business and Innovation Sea Cluster – Toulon Var Technology (PMM-TVT)
Project Partner 7: Albanian Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (ACEPSD)
Project Partner 8: Albanian Development Fund (ADF)
Project Partner 9: Marine Technology Center (CTN)
Project Partner 10: French research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER)