National Research Council – Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies

Name of the organization: National Research Council – Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies (IRBIM-CNR)

Address: Largo fiera della pesca, 60125 Ancona, Italy

Main contact for 2B-BLUE: Grazia Marina Quero
Email: graziamarina.quero@cnr.it

Website and other relevant links: https://www.irbim.cnr.it

Description of the organization

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy. Founded in 1923, CNR’s mission is to research and to promote innovation, competitiveness, internationalization of the national industrial and research systems and to provide advice for the Government and other public bodies.
Established in 2018, IRBIM CNR conducts fundamental and applied research on marine organisms, ecosystems, and their evolution in response to global change and human impact. The institute’s research focuses on biology, ecology, biotechnology, and sustainable management of marine resources. IRBIM CNR promotes scientific communication, dissemination, and public engagement on marine conservation and sustainable blue economy.

Competences and involvement in 2B-BLUE

  • IRBIM CNR will participate in WP1 and particularly will be co-responsible, together with NIB of task 1.1 “Mapping of Blue Biotechnology best practices and Stakeholders” and particularly Deliverable 1.1.1 “Dynamic database with map of BBt best practices and stakeholders.”
  • We are coordinating WP2 “Development and implementation of testing
    activities in the BBHs” and we will be in charge for developing the Italian Demonstration Sites for the piloting of innovative BBT solutions.
  • We are responsible for the management of personal data and GDPR aspects related to the project.

Team members

Grazia Marina Quero
Since 2019 she has been a researcher at the CNR IRBIM in Ancona, where she deals with the ecological role of prokaryotes in coastal and deep marine ecosystems, the anthropic impact on biodiversity and the functioning of aquatic microbial communities, and the microbiome associated with various marine organisms, including including invertebrates and fish.

Massimiliano Pinat
He graduated in International and Diplomatic Sciences, with a specialization in Development Policies, at the University of Bologna. Subsequently he dedicated myself to the study of Project Cycle Management applied to international and European cooperation, a sector in which I carried out technical consultancy activities for public and private bodies, both in Italy and abroad. In 2019 he joined the Project Office of the CNR IRBIM where I mainly deal with organizational and management support for research.

Valentina Colcelli
Valentina Colcelli (PhD) is a Senior Researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR). Her main research interests focus on the interaction of domestic and European law in shaping rights and interests and market regulation. She is also interested in a general reflection on personal and non-personal data beyond the EU legal system, internal market regulation, Technology Transfer, legal and ethical issues in research and innovation activities, and adequate judicial protection of biodiversity in light of fundamental rights. She has published books on EU integration and has written over 80 papers.

Andrea Fanelli
With a master’s degree in International Politics and Economic Relations, since November 2019 he is collaborating with IRBIM CNR as one of the founding members of the Grant Office. Passionate about social and environmental topics, he is an expert in Interreg, LIFE, Erasmus+, PNRA and ERAnet cofund projects among the others, and he held roles as communication and financial manager and WP coordinator in diverse projects from Horizon to Erasmus+.

Giulia Maricchiolo
She obtained a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Messina. Since 2008 she has been a Researcher at the CNR. She has been carrying out research in the marine aquaculture sector, particularly dealing with wellbeing and stress physiology and experimentation with innovative diets. She is principal investigator and member of numerous national and international research projects.