Media kit

In this page you can find the official descriptions, logos and basic materials to communicate about the 2B-BLUE project.


One sentence

The 2B-BLUE project focuses on promoting the establishment of 5 interactive Blue Biotechnology Hubs that will facilitate collaboration, know-how transfer and innovation.

One paragraph

Human health, food and energy security, and environmental sustainability are challenges that require innovative solutions. Many of these can be found in the study and exploitation of marine and freshwater resources, also known as Blue Biotechnologies. However, their development in Europe is still in its infancy. 2B-BLUE will foster them by establishing 5 interactive Blue Biotechnology Hubs that will facilitate collaboration, know-how transfer and innovation. These will integrate partners across the Mediterranean in the areas of research, industry, governance, civil society, and the environment. 2B-BLUE will support public-private cooperation, training, and scientific activities that will continue after the project’s end.


Branding rules

Branding rules applied to Interreg Euro Med Thematic projects can be found here.


Two versions of 2B-BLUE logo can be downloaded:

One photo depicting the project (of 300 dpi)
